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7 Tips for Mental Wellness

We’re doers and dreamers, but we also embrace rest and reflection.

We take pride in our focus on work-life balance. But what does this truly look like on a daily basis? In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re taking a look at how our Xplorers support their psychological and emotional well-being.

Truly normalizing mental health conversations starts with mutual respect and support. This includes taking time to appreciate each individual’s journey. An ideal celebration of self-care showcases the diverse experiences of our amazing employees.

In doing so, we nurture chances to learn from each other.

We recently coordinated an opportunity to share our favorite strategies for practicing self-love and mental well-being. In addition to supporting each other, our other goal was to compile a list of strategies that might be of use to anyone seeking balance.

Trading tips inspired a wonderful positive energy that we are excited to spread even further!

1. Energize body and mind with exercise. Xplorers enjoy everything from occasional light yoga to daily workouts. Pilates is a favorite for our Accounting Manager Yvette. Graham, Editor on our Creative Production team, hits the gym for classes most mornings. The camaraderie and achievement helps him start his days on an “all-around positive trajectory.” Diana, our Director of Operations, makes it social with pickleball four times a week.

2. Head outside! Sarah, Senior Social Strategist, combines fitness and fresh air with power walks. Other practices like earthing help her feel connected to nature for strength and balance. This tip is an Xplorer favorite that helps us recharge our adventurous spirit!

3. Create your sanctuary. At her home, Nancy, Event Manager, has crafted a personal oasis “for the sole purpose of mental health and relaxation.” Lanterns, plants, and a swing chair make it a beautiful spot for reading and cuddles with her dog. But it doesn’t have to be elaborate! Angeliz, Director of Social Strategy, makes home her happy place by getting cozy on the couch with family at the end of the day.

4. Make media matter. Angeliz also finds joy in wellness podcasts — and Latin music that reminds her of home! Our Event Manager Bryan elevates his movie experience with visits to the movie theater. Sarah protects her peace by swapping potentially depressing news with uplifting comedy.

5. Grab a pen. Journaling helps Senior Event Manager Alicja “take a step back and recalibrate” while our Operations Coordinator Anjelika creates a chore list to prevent overwhelm and make her to-dos feel more manageable. People & Culture Manager Perola agrees: “As a visual person … the action of writing them down among other benefits makes me feel like I'm getting them out of my head.”

6. Craft a thoughtful routine. Our CEO Hunter makes sure to include a daily “commute” every day. A 45 minute walk around his neighborhood before starting work gives him time for audiobooks, calls to friends and family, and a mental reset.

7. Cultivate mindful disconnection. Charissa, Senior Project Manager, says, “When I brew my cup of tea, I try to put away other thoughts or tasks and just enjoy the tea-making experience. I also take time to enjoy the smells and taste of the first sip. Those minutes of slowing down, avoiding other stimulation, and enjoying the moment help me have peace and gratitude each day.” Sarah finds her center with breathing exercises and meditation throughout the day.

Through our supportive, enthusiastic conversations, we’ve generated a list of habits as diverse as our employees!

We’re thrilled we support each other by sharing strategies for optimal well-being. Normalizing conversations about mental health and integrating it into discussions of professional practice gives us all a stronger foundation for wellness.

Written By:
May 29, 2024
